Best Games of 2017

Remember that this list represents the author’s Top Games of the year and not the statistical top of the year, have your say below in the comments with what you think were the best games of the year of 2017.

Gloomhaven – Ok, seriously, let’s get it out of the way to start! This is the game that will probably take multiple prestigious awards, but some people think that it shouldn’t be included (the logic is that it is just too good). It is that good though, Gloomhaven has the most 10 ratings of all games on BGG and looks like it will probably hold it’s top position for quite some time yet. This is one of those games that some players are only Gloomhaven players, with their shelves of shame growing more and more by the day as the persistent world of Gloomhaven takes up all of their gaming time.

Azul – from the super complex, through to the super simple. This abstract game deserves it’s place on the best list for the year due to it’s component quality and simplicity of play. But don’t be fooled, what looks pretty easy to start with gets deeper and deeper as you notice the strategy that it is going to take to beat your opponents. This one really should make it to some awards, particularly those that are aimed at the abstract. Azul as an abstract only just tipped out Sagrada in the category

Spirit Island – what a game! A game that can be played solo or co-operative and not lose any quality of game play truly belongs to be on this list. Add in the extraordinary art and the fact that the game is a consistent challenge makes this a worthy entry into our best of 2017 list.

Charterstone – this game gets mixed reviews (as do a lot of games),  but the art combined with the game play is what really gets it over the line. The fact that the rules develop as you go is also a good introduction to legacy type games. As a legacy type game though, the less said the better about it, but if you have a group of consistent people to play with, make sure you check it out.

Century: Golem Edition – The



Cameron B Author

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